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BlogHer 2006

(Photo of food blogging group by Elise Bauer)

I’m back from BlogHer and I have to say that it was a wonderful event. I was able to meet a number of food bloggers, as well as a few people who were interested in getting started with food blogging. It is fascinating to hear people talk about why they blog and why they love it, and I’m glad that I was able to be a part of it this year.

The first day, we listened to some more technical talks about things like building traffic and photo blogging. I was inspired to try making a video or two, so if things work out, I might put up a short cooking clip on here sometime in the future. The second day, we all talked about the content of our blogs, why we blog and where our blogs are taking us. For me, one of the best things about blogging is being part of a community of wonderful people (commenters included!) and I was lucky enough to meet with a number of them on day two of the conference. Among the bloggers that I met were, Shuna from Eggbeater (who had some great t-shirts for sale), Pim from Chez Pim, Erin from Erin’s Kitchen, Fatemeh of Gastronomie, Meg Hourihan of Megnut and Cheryl of Cupcake Bakeshop.

Saving the best for last, I also spent a lot of time with Elise from Simply Recipes and Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen. I can’t say enough good things about the two of them, as they are wonderful women. The three of us, along with our conference friends Teri and Allison, all went out to dinner on Saturday night – taking a break from the rather appalling conference food – to an amazing Japanese restaurant in San Jose’s Japan Town. We all kept on taking so long, that the restaurant workers were halfway through their meal at the end of the night before we noticed, offered our thanks, and left!

Overall, it was a great experience. I heard, while I was there, that the next BlogHer will be next summer in Chicago. I highly recommend that you come and join us, if you can make it, regardless of whether you are a blogger or simply enjoy reading blogs. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for a whole food panel, which would make the conference even better.

Take a look at Elise’s post to see some pictures of all your favorite food bloggers, or look at the whole Flickr group from the conference to take a peek at some of the speakers and other activities. Kalyn has a list of all the food bloggers who were able to meet up with us on Saturday, too.

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  • Alanna
    July 31, 2006

    Chicago! Loved seeing your picture on Simply Recipes, Nic, had yet to ‘imagine’ your real face!

  • Dani Spies
    July 31, 2006

    Wow…I wish I knew of this event sooner…seems like a really great weekend. I am in the process of setting up a recipe video blog right now and am so inspired by the supportive community!!
    I love your blog….keep up the good work!

  • bea at La Tartine Gourmande
    July 31, 2006

    Just left a comment on Elise’s blog. As said to her, I was not there unfortunately but somehow was a little bit there too. Thanks to the Stylefeeder necklace for your name tag that you all wore 😉

    Nice to see you all!

  • Anne
    July 31, 2006

    Oh, it sounds lovely – wish I could have been there! 🙂 And it was fun seeing photos of you – you look very much like I’ve pictured!!

  • Teri
    July 31, 2006

    Nicole – it was great to meet you and share a meal with you and other foodies (I mean food bloggers).

  • Erin S.
    July 31, 2006

    lovely to meet you as well. good for you for escaping the conference food blahs–I was happy to eat a meal of pho when I got back to LA last night 🙂

  • Nic
    July 31, 2006

    Alanna – Thanks! Elise is a great photographer.

    Dani – I think a video recipe blog sounds wonderful. Hopefully we’ll be able to see you next year!

    Bea – You were definitely in our thoughts – everyone was, of course – but it’s nice to know that a ‘piece’ of you was there.

    Anne – Thanks! I’m glad that I lived up to your expectations!

    Teri – It was wonderful to spend time with you. I know we’ll get together again, soon.

    Erin – I know, that conference food was rough. Good for you for getting something delish once you were back home!

  • Alison
    July 31, 2006

    Nicole – I enjoyed meeting you at Blogher! Thanks so much for answering my many questions and your introduction to the food blogging world. I enjoyed our meal together and will be actively enjoying the food blogosphere.

    Take care,

  • Joe
    July 31, 2006

    Sounds like a fun time was had all around!

  • Elise
    August 1, 2006

    Hi Nicole,
    What a weekend! I think I’m finally recovered, spent most of yesterday napping. Loved our dinner at Gombei with Teri, Alison, and Kalyn, and our yacking till midnight later. Hope to see you in lala land the next time I’m down there. Happy baking!

  • Kalyn
    August 1, 2006

    Hi again Nic,
    Thanks for linking the list of food bloggers here. I hope people go check out the list; a lot of these blogs were new to me and there are some very good ones.

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