Halloween cupcakes offer up some of the most fun decorating projects of the whole year. They’re spooky and silly, with lots of bright colors and fun designs, from whimsical Candy Corn Cupcakes to creepy Vampire Cupcakes. Like Halloween costumes, the designs for these cupcakes can get quite elaborate, so you may need to put some time into planning your Halloween creations to get the look just right. This year, I saw that Wilton put out a Mummy Cupcake Decorating Kit as an easy way to make professional looking Halloween cupcakes with ease – and I knew that I wanted to give them a try.
The kit is packed with white edible wrapping “tape” that is reminiscent of fruit rollups or a sour tape candy and large sugar eyes. You simply lay out the tape on top of your baked and frosted cupcakes (you can use any flavor) and trim the edges to fit, trying to cover as much of the frosting as possible to wrap up your mummy. The eyes can be secured on top with a little bit of frosting.
It’s a very easy process, although it took me two cupcakes before I started to get neat, clean edges on the ends of my mummy wrapping. I found it helpful to assemble the bandages on the cutting board and transfer it to the cupcake, so I wouldn’t get frosting all over both sides of the tape as I fit the pieces into place. Kitchen scissors are hands-down the best tool for trimming edges.
The kit includes enough “tape” and eyes to decorate 24 cupcakes. I found that I could have even decorated a few more with the amount of tape included with a little bit of planning, but if you end up snacking on some of the fruit punch-flavored “bandages” while you decorate, you might end up with less than 24 at the end. If you are looking to stretch the kit to a few extra cupcakes, consider putting just one eye on some of the mummies or picking up a separate package of candy eyes (which Wilton also sells).
I loved the look of the finished cakes, which were completely adorable. They were also surprisingly professional looking for the amount of time that it took me to put them together. The tape tasted good, though the eyes were a little large and sugary when it came to actually eating them, and I didn’t mind it as a topping on my cupcakes one bit. I think that kids would really love the sweet tape topping, too. You can use this on any flavor of cupcakes or frosting, but I would recommend using only a thin layer of frosting because it will be easier to lay the tape in place if you don’t have it piled on in a big mound on top of your cake.
October 16, 2013This is so cute! I love this idea so much! Cant wait to try it out. Thanks for the recipe.