You strawberry-lovers out there may have already tried my Fresh Strawberry Souffles, a summertime recipe that transforms perfectly ripe berries into an airy souffle. It’s a traditional souffle recipe, meaning that it is baked in the oven and should be served piping hot, as soon as it is done baking. The dessert is light enough for even the hottest day, however I recommend giving my Frozen Strawberry Souffle recipe – which I’m sharing over on the Craftsy blog (it’s free!) – a try instead. The frozen souffle is somewhere between a mousse and an ice cream, and it is prepared so that it rises high above the top of a ramekin, giving it a souffle-like look. It’s easy to make and can be prepared well in advance, which makes it a great choice for entertaining. And just like the “classic” recipe, this frozen dessert is also loaded with fresh strawberries and delivers lots of strawberry flavor.
Cook's Illustrated Tests Ice Cream Scoops
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Let Them Eat Cake: Classic, Decadent Desserts with Vegan, Gluten-Free & Healthy Variations
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