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Chef’n Wash + Toss Colander

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Wash + Toss Colander
Berries are actually difficult fruits to wash because they are so delicate. I can’t count the times when I have been trying to rinse off fresh raspberries and lost a few as I tried to gently toss them in a colander or squished them under the weight of more berries. Ripe strawberries and other berries can be almost as tricky to handle. The Chef’n Wash + Toss Colander offers a way to handle berries a little more gently while still getting them washed. The small colander has a built in sweeper arm that moves underneath the berries (or anything else you might have in the colander) to gently turn them as you rinse. You won’t have to toss and turn your fruit by hand, potentially damaging it, and can spend more time making sure every last bit of dirt is rinsed off before those berries go into your cobblers or shortcakes. The colander is lightweight and plastic, the perfect size for berries, as well as for other small fruits and veggies that might be on the delicate side and need a little special handling.

Sur La Table has a strawberry red model for strawberry fans that is exclusive to them for the summer (and is currently on sale for more than 50% off), but the standard color for this colander is white with a berry handle and that is more widely available.

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1 Comment
  • rainey
    May 30, 2013

    While you’re discussing rinsing berries consider this tip from Harold McGee: rinse them in the hottest water that comes from your tap. When you do that you kill the little spores on them that produce the molds that make them so fragile. Your berries can last up to a week instead of hours.
    Don’t be dismayed that it will take the bloom off blueberries and give them a surprising dark, flat look. It won’t affect the flavor and the bloom comes back.
    I rinse mine in the clear clamshell packages they come in and then simply put a folded paper towel on top of them and store them upside down so the excess moisture drips onto the towel.

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