If you’re not familiar with Threadless, you might want to head on over and check out their site. The t-shirt company started small and became a runaway hit by using user-submitted designs for their clothing. The community is huge and new designs are usually voted in by them. They’re a creative crowd. The designs range from pieces that look like classical works of art (or better) to those that are just a little silly or fun.
This week marked the launch of the 2010 Threadcakes contest. The contest is to turn Threadless t-shirt art into edible art, and invites users to come up with cake designs that match those of their favorite Threadless tees. It’s a big challenge, since the cart is so creative to begin with – and it’s not just like making a usual layer cake! Las year, I was lucky enough to serve as a judge with other illustrious cake lovers, including Jen from Cake Wrecks, Louise from Cake Journal, Jennifer from Bake or Break and Mary Alice from Charm City Cakes/Ace of Cakes.
So, read the Rules and browse through some of the designs to get inspired. Take a peek at last year’s gallery to see how people interpreted the tees into cake. There are some great prizes that you can win and no limits to the number of entries you can submit. There will even be some “surprise†weekly prizes given out, too!
September 4, 2010I love threadless and threadcakes, they are so amazing, makes me want to be a better cake decorator! x x