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Food from Spain: Ham Flavored Chips

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Jamon Flavored Chips

Since I’m already on a junk food kick, here is another fun photo from Spain: ham-flavored potato chips. It’s funny to think that you can tell a lot about the food but I’ve always found that potato chips are a pretty good indicator. You’ll find plain, salted chips in most places, but everything else is a mixed bag. Here in the US, I would say that barbecue chips are probably the most common, although cheese-flavors and spicy chips are also very popular. In Asian countries, I’ve seen lots of citrus and teriyaki-type chips, as well as chicken and beef flavored chips. In Spain, there were ham-flavored chips. And boy were there a lot of them! They have a distinctly smoky flavor with a sort of bacon-barbecue undertone.

They were pretty good and, as most potato chips are, quite addictive. I wouldn’t mind if they brought out a few of these here at home – and if they combined them with some bbq chips, I think that they would have a real hit!

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  • Chris Mower
    June 8, 2010

    Having lived in a foreign country for 2 years, there were a lot of potato chips made by Lays and Frito Lay, etc. that they had there but not in the States. Oh man, I’d die to have some of those again… okay, maybe not DIE, but I’d sure be in heaven!

  • manzana
    June 8, 2010

    A fave! A must! Here everybody loves them!!!

  • clumbsycookie
    June 9, 2010

    Yep those are good! We have news ones now that have chorizo flavour that are also quite cool!

  • va
    June 9, 2010

    Oh..! I’m spanish and this chips are really taste..! We use to combine it with green or black olives and a very cold beer 😀 (of course in a sunny terrace) 😛

    Have a nice day..!

    PS: Loooovely blog..!

  • kate
    August 21, 2012

    The paprika chips you can get in Spain are even better than barbeque! Yum!

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