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Bites from other Blogs

  • I don’t remember how old I was when I first saw a Yin-Yang sign, but I do remember that I immediately fell in love with the design. So, of course, I was taken with the Yin-Yang Cookies that I Shot The Chef made in honor of Chinese New Year. The cookies are made of vanilla and chocolate doughs that are molded together – in perfect harmony, of course.
  • When a recipe is “light” it often means that it is low in fat. In Gourmet Girl‘s case with her Moist and Light Blueberry Muffins, it means that the muffins have an ultra-light and cupcakey texture. They’re indulgent, made with lots of butter, sour cream and vanilla sugar, but oh-so-worth-it.
  • Funfetti has had a mention or two here at Baking Bites, as has Angel Food Cake(which is, incidentally, a dessert thatis actually “light”). Though I’m a big fan of both, I never thought to combine them. Fortunately, Two Fat Alsdid think of it and baked up a festive Sprinkled Angel Food Cake. I’m definitely making mine with rainbow sprinkles.
  • Crullers are probably one of the most delicious types of donut you can put in your mouth. They have a light, crispy shell and a wonderfully airy/eggy interior. Add sugar or a cinnamon-sugar mixture on top and you’ve got something almost irresitible on your hands. Better yet, make the Crullers with Rum Glaze made by a whisk and a spoon. The sweet rummy glaze (for grownups only) is delectable and I don’t know if you can beat a freshly fried one for melt-in-your-mouth indulgence.
  • I don’t know about you, but I still have a bunch of candy leftover from Valentine’s Day, and with Easter candies already in stores, my kitchen should be stocked for a long, long time. Aside from eating it straight, you can always bake candies into something else. For instance, the Peanut Butter Candy Cookies at Foodaphiliasound pretty tasty. Chocolate cookie dough with crunchy Reese’s Pieces and cut up peanut butter cups. Mmm… peanut butter…
  • To end on a somewhat healthy note, I’d like to direct your attention to Sugar Free and Gluten Free Cookies. The cookies use flaxseed and almond meal (just like my granola bars) and are sweetened with Splenda (in deference to the dietary needs of one of Kalyn’s relatives). I think it’s good to have a sugar-alternative recipe or two on hand when you need to feed someone with special dietary needs, but I suspect that you could tinker with the recipe and make a version with sugar if you’re simply looking for something gluten-free.

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  • Jade
    February 20, 2008

    Those cookies from Candace @ i shot the chef are too cute – I saw them in my google reader awhile back and thought they just looked perfect….

  • Katia
    February 20, 2008

    Hi, great site! Thank you for the link- the muffins are really yummy!

  • Candace
    February 20, 2008

    Thanks for the shout out!!!! 🙂

  • Kalyn
    February 20, 2008

    Thanks for the mention of the gluten-free cookies. I’m sure you could make them with sugar instead of Splenda. They were quite a hit with my stepmom!

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    May 1, 2009

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  • garriguddinni
    August 9, 2009

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