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Finding luxury on the dessert menu

fortress dessertHave you ever come home from a wonderful dinner out and bragged about how much you paid for dessert? Unless your dessert was complimentary, I’m willing to bet that you’re much more likely to discuss the dessert itself and not its price – especially if it was on the expensive side. But that doesn’t stop luxury resorts with high-end restaurants from adding ever more expensive desserts to their menus.

The restaurant at the Fortress resort in Sri Lanka has just created a $14,500 dessert, for instance. In addition to generating publicity, the resort said that their goal was “to create a one of a kind dessert that is intrinsically linked with the destination, offering both long lasting memories and a keepsake of the experience.” The “keepsake” is an 80-carat aquamarine stone that sits on top of the dessert which is “a combination of a gold leaf Italian kasata, flavoured with Irish cream and served with a mango and pomegranate compote and a bubbly-based sabayon enlighten” – a delicious combination, without a doubt, but not one that could justify the price without something alongside.

The Fortress’s dessert is said to be the most expensive in the world, although it’s only a matter of time before someone sticks an even larger stone on their dessert plate and takes the title away. For now, I’m just left to wonder who – if anyone – buys these desserts, when you can get something just as tasty for far less money and can probably get a better deal on a nice gemstone at a jewelers than from the dessert menu.

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  • Katie
    September 26, 2007

    Ekkkkk! That makes the UK £1,000 sandwich look like a bargin. Thats a ridiculous price to pay for any food. You are only going to eat it afterall. You could buy a car for that price!!

  • Penguin
    September 27, 2007

    If anyone really wants a memorable dessert, they could very well make it themselves and add their own choice of gemstone onto the plate. Hmm…I wonder if you can make the gemstone out of sugar..then you can actually eat it!! =D

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