Like so many others, I am more than happy to eat Peeps – those deliciously sugar-coated, brightly colored holiday marshmallows – raw, especially around Easter when Just Born puts out their traditional yellow chicks and purple bunnies. These days, they put out quite a few more colors, more shapes and more flavors (like the Cocoa Bunnies), as well as offering a sugar-free Peep, but in my book, nothing beats the classics. “Raw” is the usual way to eat Peeps, though the debate over whether fresh Peeps or stale ones are superior can get to be very heated. Since they’re just marshmallows, however, they’re ripe for inclusion in the classic campfire marshmallow treat: s’mores.
My Peeps s’mores were made in the microwave, rather than a campfire, but the sugary, chocolaty goodness was still hard to resist. The only thing to watch out for if you make these yourself is that Peeps tend to blow up in the microwave, so you don’t want to overcook them and have the marshmallow overwhelm the graham cracker. Or get stuck all over the inside of the microwave.
April 1, 2007Woo Hoo. Am I really the first one to leave a comment? Looking great Nic, I can tell you’ve been working hard. Your recipe index is fabulous. Congratulations. I’ll be updating my blogroll this week (I’m on spring break!) and will be sure to get Baking Bites added.
April 1, 2007Congrats Nic on your new site – it looks fantastic! I’ll bet this tastes great – but there’s something just a wee bit sad about a smooshed peep!
April 1, 2007Excellent re-design! Very clean and it flows well. Did you do this yourself? I wish I had the guts to do something like this myself!
April 1, 2007Congratulations, Nic! The new site looks fabulous and I just love 😉 the new name, too! It’s perfect for the consummate baker!
April 1, 2007It’s 2am here in Manila and I just had to check if my favorite site had a new post. I’m so glad you’re back. 🙂
April 1, 2007Sounds very tasty. To me, the Peeps take on a creme brulee taste (of sorts) because of the sugar coating, making for a delicious s’more! Did you make your own graham crackers?
April 1, 2007Hey! Nice!
There’s more stuff here too! More posts than Bakingsheet had. Or at least it seems that way…
Monkey Wrangler
April 1, 2007Wow Nicole! I can’t think of a better use for those old mashed peeps this time of year. I’ve always had a bizarre joy of biting their little heads off first (I suspect some others do too, but won’t admit it) so giving them a wee hot chocolate and cracker pressing might replace the morbid need to decapitate. Thanks for the idea! And nice new digs, I’m goin’ bookmarkin’. Chow!
April 1, 2007Nic, the new site looks great! And it’s nice to know there’s another Peep lover out there in blog baking/cooking land…
April 1, 2007These Peep s’mores make me giggle – I just keep picturing the little smooshed chick in there, looking like a brick fell on his head. “Oof…”
Your new digs look great!
April 1, 2007Love the new site! And Peep S’Mores who would have thought? My daughter is a big peep fan, I will have to let her see this recipe!
April 1, 2007You guys are – to grossly understate things – fantastic. I’m glad that you’re all digging the site. And, of course, the Peep s’mores!
April 2, 2007Your new site is really awesome 🙂
April 2, 2007Oh no…the poor Peep!
April 2, 2007Hi Nic,
Congratulations on the new site. Having just moved to my own dotcom myself, I know how difficult the process can be. But seeing it up here alive and kicking is its own reward. 🙂 All the best!
April 2, 2007Hi Nicole – congrats on the new site and new domain – I look forward to following along at bakingbites!
April 4, 2007It really looks nice over here! You (or whomever) did an excellent job. I’ll update my RSS so I can keep tuned in!
April 5, 2007We tried the cocoa peeps in the toaster oven, it worked out pretty well! (Well, my suggestion is to put the chocolate on after removing it from the toaster oven, letting the ambient heat of the peep melt it … but live and learn!)
Merry Strong
April 16, 2007I’m going to try these… along with ‘Smores on a Stick’.
June 14, 2007thank god! i have a package of purple bunny peeps sitting on the fridge, waiting for the summer camping trip. good to know that there are other likeminded s’morers out there.
Peep Lover
November 12, 2007Those are SO COOL!!! My friends and I are SO going to make those!
Rebecca RootsAndWingsCo
April 1, 2009I love smores (we make them year round in our backyard fire pit!). I love the idea of peeps smores. We just posted a recipe for peeps smores that you bake in the oven.
I’d love to see what you think of it!
April 17, 2009I recently has a PEEP contest and someone made ‘smeep’s’ which remind me of your reipce. come on by
May 6, 2009WOW! This sounds soooooooooooooooo good.
Coafuri mirese
September 15, 2009I made these yesterday and they were absolutely delicious! My nieces loved. Thanks for the great recipe.
Bible lessons for kids
September 15, 2009Love the new site! And Peep S’Mores who would have thought? My daughter is a big peep fan, I will have to let her see this recipe
Electric hair rollers
March 2, 2010Very clean and it flows well. Did you do this yourself? I wish I had the guts to do something like this myself!
Life in Asia
March 3, 2010To me, the Peeps take on a creme brulee taste (of sorts) because of the sugar coating, making for a delicious s’more! Did you make your own graham crackers?
Rondo Guitar
April 29, 2010Great looking peeps smores to eat…
Sweet sixteen cakes
May 11, 2010Thank you I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog.