Even if you don’t bake much the rest of the year, you probably do some baking around the holidays. The weather is cold, the atmosphere is festive and all the pieces required to bake a batch of Christmas cookies or dig out grandma’s signature pie recipe just seem to fall into place. I do a lot of extra baking during the holidays and always stock up on baking supplies – especially vanilla extract and spices – because I know that I’m going to go through them much faster than usual. To make sure that you don’t run out of these holiday baking staples, I’m hosting a Rodelle Gourmet Baking Set Giveaway, where there will be two lucky winners! The baking set includes Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Extract, Almond Extract, and premium ground cinnamon and nutmeg. The jars are all very generously sized, so you’ll have plenty to get you through baking season!
To enter the contest, just leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite holiday cookie is. The contest ends Monday at midnight (12/16/2013) and two winners will be randomly selected from the entries. Don’t forget to fill in your e-mail on the comment form (it will not be made public), as that is how I will contact the winner, and good luck! Here are a couple of recipes that use these delicious flavors for inspiration:
If you don’t want to take your chances with the contest, you can also pick up one of these Gourmet Baking Sets at Costco stores this season. And while you’re in a contest-entering mood, don’t forget to enter this year’s Rodelle Challenge for a chance to win a KitchenAid Stand Mixer and lots of other awesome goodies.
 Update: Congrats to Kim and mrsblocko! This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone for participating!
December 14, 2013My family’s Christmas cookies – sugar cookies that we cut out, frost, and decorate
Tracy Spangler
December 14, 2013My favorite holiday cookie is white chocolate chip cranberry cookies. Delicious!
December 14, 2013Peppermint Macarons filled with White Chocolate Ganache and crush peppermint candy. Or Earl Grey Macarons filled with Honey Buttercream.
December 14, 2013anything with chocolate!
December 14, 2013I love Spritz cookies
Allison Schmidt
December 14, 2013Soft ginger molasses cookies… Iced!
December 14, 2013Gingerbread!
December 14, 2013Butter cookie butter cream sandwich cookies. I look forward to these every year from my favorite Aunt at Christmas!!!!
December 14, 2013Everything cookies… Oatmeal, peanut butter cups, m&m’s, chocolate chips and peanuts…
Whaaaat??? I want some right now!
December 14, 2013snickerdoodles
December 14, 2013Sugar cookies!
December 14, 2013My favourite cookie is one that my mum makes called coffee crescents which are melt-in-your-mouth-cookies shaped like crescents and dipped in chocolate. So good!
Katherine L
December 14, 2013I love orange scented elephant ears. SO good and SO simple!
December 14, 2013My favorite is Snickerdoodles
Hillary W
December 14, 2013Chocolate Chip cookies
December 14, 2013Russian Tea Cakes
December 14, 2013My Grandmother’s sugar cookie recipe is the best. The secret with her recipe is to roll the dough extra thick and use rainbow colored sprinkles.
Meghan Finley
December 14, 2013gingerbread cookies
December 15, 2013Cranberry and white choc chip cookies
December 15, 2013I absolutely love peanut butter cookies! 🙂
December 15, 2013Frosted sugar cookies!!
Mary Ellen
December 15, 2013ButterBalls…Mmmmm!
December 15, 2013Hungarian Apricot Cookies
December 15, 2013It’s so hard to choose… but for the holidays, I think I’d have to go with soft snickerdoodles or another spiced cookie. Never met a cookie I didn’t like, though! 🙂
December 15, 2013Oatmeal chocolate chip raisin cookies
Erin F
December 15, 2013my favorite would have to be peanut butter blossoms!
December 15, 2013Homemade Pumpkin Cookies
Randi Lynne
December 15, 2013Gingersnaps
December 15, 2013those dutch butter cookies! yum!
December 15, 2013I love meringes around the holidays
Jeff See
December 15, 2013I love a savory molasses cookie during the holidays.
December 15, 2013I love all holiday cookies! If I had to pick a favorite I would maybe say gingersnaps. Or sugar cookies. Or honey cookies. 🙂
D Schmidt
December 15, 2013My favorite holiday cookie is Snickerdoodle
Amber G.
December 15, 2013I’m a sucker for a beautifully decorated sugar cookie!
December 15, 2013I have two, snickerdoodles and sugar cookies!
Bing Bing
December 15, 2013my all time favorite is the SNICKERDOODLE ! the name makes me happy and the flavour has me reeling !
December 15, 2013Favorites are Spritz cookies decorated with the family!
December 15, 2013When younger, we’d go to my grandparents house in Santa Few for the holidays. My grandpa’s wife Peggy has the best Buffalo Chip cookies, that somehow we can’t ever make as soft and tasty as she can. They are chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, but so soft that when they bake, they form a large flat disk, where the edges have crisped up and the sugar had caramelized. Yum!
December 15, 2013Holiday-shaped cookies, any kind 😀
December 15, 2013Chocolate chip cookies!!
December 15, 2013my favorite cookie would be heathbar cookies! YUM!
December 15, 2013My favorites are soft gingerbread cookies.
December 15, 2013My favorites are Gingerbread and decorated sugar cookies.
Cheryl Newton
December 15, 2013Peanut butter blossoms. But I usually don’t make them because I could eat the whole batch.
curtique neeson
December 15, 2013My favorite cookies is oatmeal cookies white chocolate chip and walnuts.
December 15, 2013I love sugar cookies!
Theresa M.
December 15, 2013Gingerbread cookies!
December 15, 2013I love my mom’s Christmas cut-out cookies.
Vicki Sue
December 15, 2013My favorite is vanilla cinnamon sugar cookies with cranberries and nutmeg almond sugar cookies (thumbprint w/honey roasted almond in the thumbprint).
Erin M.
December 16, 2013I love most holiday cookies but I’ll have to say that the chocolate Italian cookies hold a special place in my heart. 🙂