Ever since Hostess closed its doors late last year, consumers have been anxiously awaiting the fate of Twinkies, one of the most iconic snack cakes there is. Taste tests were conducted to see if Twinkie clones were an acceptable subsitute, but a buyer was found for the brand and they promised that Twinkies would make a comeback after being off store shelves for more than 6 months. On July 15, Twinkies will be back in stores. The private equity firms that purchase the Hostess brand are rereleasing Twinkies, CupCakes and Donettes under the tagline, “The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever” and with some prominent marketing that included huge billboards in Times Square and in Hollywood (which I spotted yesterday, pictured above).
Consumers are already buzzing on social media about the return of the nostalgic sweets, and it is a good bet that even people who haven’t had a Twinkie since one was tucked in their lunchbox years ago will be heading to pick up a box to give these new old favorites a try. Representatives for the company are also promising new, more innovative products in the future, to tempt consumers who love the history of Twinkies and other classics but are also interested in treats with a more modern twist .
What do you think?