In the 1971 movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, guests inside Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory encounter geese that lay golden eggs for Easter. It appears that they are simply giant eggs with golden shells – no wrappers, just shells filled with milk chocolate. An impressive candy, to say the least. The image of these golden eggs popped into my mind when I was perusing the Easter candy aisle at the store recently and spotted a bag of Wonka Chocolate Golden Eggs.
These eggs are not giant, nor do they have hard shells. They are simply small, egg-shaped pieces of milk chocolate studded with graham cracker pieces. The combination sounds excellent, in theory, but I found that the chocolate was a bit too sweet and that the graham cracker pieces didn’t have enough of a graham cracker flavor, although I did appreciate the fact that there were a lot of them. I have a feeling that I would have loved these when I was a kid – and was more predisposed to like very milky and sweet Easter chocolates – but they’re simply “ok” in my book for now.
Cybele just reviewed the Large Wonka Golden Egg over at Candy Blog. That candy is a large Easter egg filled with SweeTarts. It strikes me as odd that it actually has the same name as these smaller (not to mention completely different) chocolates, so I’ve altered the name in the post title to reflect the fact that these are mini eggs and not th same product.
What do you think?