The more time you spend in front of your computer each day, the more likely you are to have a drink by the side of your keyboard. It may not be the greatest idea to keep a latte, Diet Coke or glass of water next to such an important piece of equipment, but unless you’re really accident-prone, spills are (thankfully) few and far between. Generally speaking, a much greater concern is the fact that hot drinks cool down much to quickly and cold drinks lose their chill. I like to use lidded, insulated cups to try to keep things at a satisfying temperature, but I really like the idea of this USB Cup Cooler and Warmer.
It doesn’t have a catchy name, but with the flick of a switch it can gently warm or cool a cup. The temperature is controlled with a small remote and the gadget doesn’t even need batteries because it is powered directly through your computer’s USB port.
This gadget seems like it would be a great gift for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day – especially if mom or dad spends a lot of time working (or reading food blogs).
April 16, 2007Now that is toooooo cool! I’m sending the link to my husband, with a little hint, hint. Thanks.
May 24, 2007Good post and cool blog. I bought a couple at and gave them as Mother’s Day gifts and bought one for myself, too. It might be the best USB gadget out there.