I am a big fan of eggnog. Not only do I make my own a few times a season, but I also incorporate it into a variety of desserts and baked goods that I share during the holidays. Eggnog has the distinct flavors of dairy, eggs, vanilla and nutmeg and, while it is traditionally made with regular milk, it can also be made with non-dairy milk. This Almond Milk Eggnog is a twist on traditional eggnog that is made without dairy, though it delivers the other familiar flavors of this holiday favorite.
This eggnog is made in a very traditional way: with uncooked eggs. I find that eggnogs made with uncooked eggs have a lighter consistency and a slightly less eggy flavor than cooked eggnogs, which can sometimes be thick enough to feel like a pudding more than a drink (even though they are also delicious). I always recommend using pasteurised eggs in drinks like this. You can buy pasteurized eggs, make them yourself or simply use eggs that come from a carton (which are always pasteurized) and measure out 1 1/2 ounces.
The drink is made with almond milk, sugar, egg, vanilla and nutmeg. I also add a dose of bourbon or brandy, which is entirely optional if you prefer to keep this alcohol-free. I like almond milk in this recipe because it has a fairly neutral flavor that doesn’t overpower the other ingredients in the drink. Everything is shaken together until well-blended, cold and frothy. The egg helps to thicken the drink slightly – so this won’t just feel like a glass of almond milk – and the vanilla and peppery nutmeg give it a great seasonal flavor. It is delicious!
You can make this in a cocktail shaker, a mixing bowl or a blender. I tend to use a cocktail shaker when I want 1-2 servings, a mixing bowl when I am serving 2-4 and a blender when I want to make enough for a crowd. This recipe makes the cocktail shaker serving, but it can easily be scaled up by simply doubling the ingredients to suit the number of servings you need. Serve the eggnog right away, when it is cold and frothy.
Almond Milk Eggnog
3 tbsp sugar
1 large egg
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 oz bourbon or brandy (optional)
Cocktail shaker: Combine sugar and egg in a cocktail shaker. Close tightly, then shake for about 60 seconds to whip the egg and dissolve the sugar. Add in remaining ingredients, along with a handful of ice. Shake for about 30 seconds, then strain into a glass. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Mixing Bowl: Whisk together sugar and egg until smooth and frothy. Add in remaining ingredients. Add a few ice cubes and stir to chill for about a minute. Strain into glasses. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Blender: Combine all ingredients, along with 2-3 ice cubes and blend until very smooth and frothy. Strain into glasses to remove any pieces of egg or ice. Garnish with a dusting of nutmeg or cinnamon.
Serves 1-2
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