Some scone mixes require you to add cream. Others require you to cut in butter and add additional ingredients, which is one step away from making scones from scratch (which will likely be less expensive than using the “mix” consindering how much you have to add in yourself). The easiest scone mixes require nothing but water and Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Scone Mix falls into this group. A mix that requires nothing but water to produce a quick, tasty breakfast treat is something that is well worth keeping in your pantry for any last-minute baking needs if the scones that it bakes taste as good as they look on the box.
I picked up a box of this mix the last time I was out shopping so that I could give it a try. I like the fact that the mix requires no additional preparation – which is nice when you’re looking to save time. I added water and stirred it in with a fork, then made roundish drop scones and placed them on a baking sheet. The dough was a little bit too sticky to easily pat into a disc to cut triangular shapes for a different look, but adding a dusting of flour to my work surface smoothed things out. The ingredients on the scones are very straightforward and the mix includes a natural preservative – rosemary extract – to ensure freshness.
The scones ended up looking exactly as they do on the box. The scones had  a nice buttermilk flavor and were very tender, with a nicely crisp exterior where they browned. They were not too sweet or cookie-like, so they still felt like breakfast food even though they were studded with chocolate chips. There were a generous number of chocolate chips in the mix, which resulted in a very even distribution across all the scones. The recipe called for making 10 small scones, but you could easily make 8 larger ones or break the dough down further for minis, if you prefer.
This is definitely a good option for a quick mix to have on hand. The recipe is easy to prepare and the dough is plain enough that you can put your own twist on it to dress it up. For instance, you could throw in some fresh raspberries for more color and flavor, or you could simply top these with a generous dusting of coarse sugar before baking to sweeten them up. No matter how you make them, it’s likely that no one will guess you used a mix to do it.
What do you think?