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Baking Bites is now on Pinterest!

Baking Bites on Pinterest
I know that many of you are huge fans of Pinterest, and after being a Pinterest lurker for far too long, I’ve finally signed up for an account. You can now follow the Baking Bites boards on Pinterest! I’m going through to repin some older recipes and photos, and will be adding new ones all the time.

Also, if you have a Pinterest account, I’ve added a “Pin It” button to the bottom of each post. Just click and you can select any of the images in the post to easily pin things to your own boards.

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  • Sweet Tooth
    November 25, 2012

    thanks! this is super helpful!

    Sweet Tooth

  • Marcia
    November 26, 2012


  • michelle
    November 26, 2012

    So glad to see you are on Pinterest! Can’t wait to see what you have to share with us!

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