It is easy to talk about your favorite Girl Scout Cookies. Mine are Samoas. This shouldn’t be much a surprise because the two most popular Girl Scout cookies are Samoas and Thin Mints, and they have been for years. These are the cookies that, even if you’re making them at home, you still wait eagerly for in the late winter when Girl Scouts start selling them. But other cookies come and go, dropped from the production lineup for lack of popularity.
So, while I know what the most popular cookies are, I have to ask what are the least popular Girl Scout Cookies? As much as I’d like to think that they’re all pretty good, I’ve had some over the years that were pretty bad – the kind of cookies where the box never really gets finished because you’ll reach for another snack long before taking a cookie from the already open box. For me, I would have to say that I’ll pass on anything reduced fat or reduced sugar. This is primarily because if I’m waiting a whole year to pick up a box of cookies, I’m not going to worry about a few extra calories, but also because these cookies don’t even approach the flavor of the classic cookies in the lineup! Over the years many cookies have come and gone – some better than others. What were your least favorite Girl Scout Cookies?
If you want to reference some of the cookies from years past to refresh your memories, take a look at these comments were people relive some of their favorites, too.
Rachel Hope
January 21, 2010Samoas are actually my least favorite…I am not a coconut fan…I do miss Lemon Coolers though! 🙂
January 21, 2010I can’t think of one I really didn’t like but I would agree with you that any lo-sugar or lo-fat type would be a disappointment unless it could really compete. I guess they need to offer those for folks who require that type of treat but the others are so much better. Can’t beat a good cookie with some full-fledged ingredients. But, I have to admit what I really like are your recipes to make them at home. Yes, it’s great to have one that someone else made but the homemade ones ROCK. Thanks for sharing those recipes. I haven’t made them all yet but the homemade samoa bars and cookies were a huge hit.
January 21, 2010Samoas are my favorites…. I have to agree with Rachel because I miss Lemon Coolers, too. My least favorite right now are the Lemonades. They’re just sort of blah.
I’ve noticed that a lot of the “new” girl scout cookies seem to have the same type of cookie with different frostings or glazes, which doesn’t impress me and makes me long for the days when the new cookies really were new and different.
January 21, 2010Thin mints are my least favorite. But… I hate mint chocolate. I’m also not a coconut fan, so samoas aren’t a favorite, either.
Peanut butter patties/tagalongs are the BEST.
January 21, 2010My least favorite are Trefoils. Don’t get me wrong…they’re still good but in terms of the excitement of Girl Scout Cookies (aka there’s not really a similar cookie out there), Trefoils are just boring!
And make it three for missing lemon coolers…
January 21, 2010Give me the PB/Tagalong cookies. but don’t give me the choco chip. They always taste, well, eh…. commercial!
January 21, 2010Any of the newly introduced flavors are my least favorite. I’m an old school kind of girl scout cookie eater.
Heather I.
January 21, 2010Those chocolate chip ones in the picture above are my long-time least favorite. They were just so tasteless, dry and remind me of generic Chips Ahoy! Otherwise, I absolutely love the Tagalongs and the shortbreads. Ok, time to search out a girl scout!
January 21, 2010Thin mints for sure – I’m not a mint/chocolate together-ness fan, but I know everybody else is:)
January 21, 2010Ugh, Samoas are my LEAST favorite. I’m a Thin Mint girl. When I was in college, smart little scouts would bring their cookies to campus and sell them there. I’d buy a box and eat a packet of cookies for lunch!
January 21, 2010Thin Mints. Followed by the shortbread ones. The shortbread ones taste *fantastic* with a wee bit of nutella.
Jen T.
January 21, 2010I really don’t like Samoas, but I don’t like coconut very much.
January 21, 2010Ugh, I don’t do samoa or lemon. those little scouts have jacked up their prices too much so I dont care for gs cookies anymore. Even though I was one, you have to do some hard beggin to make selling cookies more effective than other fundraisers. plus your family is loaded with uneaten boxes for cookies for months because they pity you, haha.
sugar plum fairy
January 22, 2010Oh Nicole,u know what all cookies are my favs specially with chocolate in ’em as long as they are a baking bites recipe……
January 22, 2010I love thin mints. I dislike Samoas and Tagalongs.
January 22, 2010I love the Caramel Delights, aka Samoas,and I really liked the 100 calorie pack ones last year. They were good and made me feel less guilty. The newer ones they come out with just are not that good.
January 22, 2010The little brownie bites were awful. The cinnamon cafe ones were gross.
I’ve never been a fan of either of their peanut butter cookies.
ALL of their lemon-flavored cookies ahve been awesome!!!!!
Cyndi L
January 22, 2010I’m with you…cookies are just a clever little way of getting flavored sugar and fat into your mouth. I’ll skip any of the sugar-free or low-fat ones, thanks just the same.
January 22, 2010Do-si-dos are my least favorite and though I’ve never tried them, the chocolate chip don’t look all that appetizing. Bring on the Samoas though!! 🙂
Amanda V
January 22, 2010I didn’t even know they had chocolate chip GS cookies.. I don’t think I’d buy those.
But I never really liked Tagalongs. I love chocolate and PB but something about the cookies never worked for me.
January 22, 2010Tagalongs. Yuck. Not too fond of Samoas either.
birmingham movers
January 22, 2010I can’t think of one I particularly disliked but Thin Mints and the lemon ones were definitely my favorites. This makes me realize I haven’t had a GS cookie in quite a while…
Fat Fudge
January 22, 2010All of them.
Jenna Z.
January 22, 2010I was a brownie during the whole Golden Yangles fiasco. NO ONE bought them. Our troop leader, who bought a boatload of everything so we could sell them later in front of the grocery store was saddled with BOXES of them and we had them for snack WAY too many times! 🙂 I ordered some of the Lemonades this year but I doubt they will beat the Lemon Coolers, which I dearly loved! My least favorite? The Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies. I think the cookie part is nasty and the peanut butter filling…is also nasty.
January 22, 2010Do-Si-Dos. They were the WORST!
January 22, 2010The sugar free (or maybe they were only reduced sugar) brownie bites. They were awful! I have Diabetes, so I do eat some reduced or sugar free foods…but these just tasted like aspertame and not chocolate. It was very disappointing. Now I just stick with the sugary ones and only eat a little…it tastes better that way!
January 22, 2010Tagalongs are my least favorite. I loved them years ago but now find them waxy. My favorites are thin mints and trefoils. I remember one year I ordered cookies from scouts in three different councils and each had a slightly different line-up of cookies. One from the Twin Cities had a version of cheese crackers that weren’t bad. I think I remember Juliettes and really liked them. I’ve been a scout off and on for over 25 years.
January 22, 2010I hate trefoils! I agree that the chocolate chip ones taste bad and the tag-a-longs can be waxy. But I must say, a lot of the cookies I like others hate, so it would be interesting if we knew which cookie the girl scouts sell the most and least of!
January 24, 2010Samoas and thin mints are what I always try to avoid buying in the late winter because i know I’ll finish the boxes within a few days! I was a girl scout when I was younger and do remember constantally sneaking our lemon cooler samples into my mouth so those would also qualify as another favorite of mine, along with tagalongs too (I never bought a box of them but I tried out your fabulous recipe posted and fell in love with them). The more basic girl scout cookies with simpler ingredients are good, but I don’t think they are nescisarally amazing enough to buy when compared to the other options.
January 28, 2010Favorite: Samoas, Thin Mints, and Do-si-dos.
Least favorite: Tagalongs, Lemon Chalet Cremes, and Lemonades.
February 2, 2010Thin mints! Blech!! I’ve never liked the combination of mint and chocolate in the slightest.
My favorites are tagalongs, followed closely by samoas and do-si-does. 🙂
February 12, 20102010 Tagalongs cannot hold a candle to the pre-2010 recipe. The peanut butter patty is considerably thinner, and the cookie inside is teeth-rattlingly brittle. I have fallen out of love with this cookie. I feel betrayed.
February 26, 2010Although I don’t much care for Samoas, I think they’re a great cookie if you like coconut. The peanut butter sandwich cookies, on the other hand, are awful; and I say this as a great fan of peanut butter. The cookie tastes blah and the filling is disgusting.
March 11, 2010personally, i LOVE the shortbread ones and thanks a lots. i think its really cool how they say thank you on them
March 11, 2010but i hate thin mints. whoever invented chocolate and mint was crazy cus its ridiculously awful !!! sorry to those who like those. oh and i also dont like peanut butter ones. blech.
March 14, 2010The new Dulce de Leche ones leave me cold. I work and live in a primarily Latino community, so I get the reason Girl Scouts would want to reach out to the Spanish-speaking community with a familiar taste that is becoming more popular in other foods, as well. The problem is that the end result isn’t that tasty. It doesn’t really have much of a dulce de leche flavor, and the cookies resemble the texture of those sad, hard little Archway cookies you get half-broken up in bags at the grocery store. In both the Dulce de leche and Thank U Berry Much cookies there are little flavor chips that simply don’t pack much punch, especially for what a box costs. My recommendation? Make a cookie more similar to a thin Trefoil in flavor and texture, then put the dulce de leche (a type of rich milk and rum-flavored sugar caramel) between them as a sandwich cookie. THAT would be delicious, and it would still appeal to both the Latin/Carribean communities and a wider public interested in trying something new!
Sarah Tally
January 22, 2011I never actually tried them, but I think the chocolate chip cookies were a bit dumb…I mean, think of girls selling cookies outside of a grocery store, and nobody buys cookies because they just bought identical cookies! Poor kids.