Pimp That Snack is a website that exists to celebrate super-sized, homemade versions of popular snacks, as well as to challenge people to get in the kitchen and experiment to blow up whatever candies, cookies and cakes they can. I’ve mentioned the site before and tried two “pimps” mysef: Giant Hostess Cupcake Cake (with recipe) and Giant Animal Cookie (no recipe, just for fun). The general protocol for making a giant snack is using regular cake pans and kitchen equipment, or jerryrigging custom molds, to try and approximate the shape you want to make. I never thought I’d see Williams-Sonoma stocking a cake pan that cut out this part of the snack-pimping process. Their Sandwich-Cookie Cake Pan is designed to produce a cake that looks just like a sandwich cookie (an Oreo, to be specific). It even has the word “cookie” printed in the center of each round and some other detailing that looks very similar to what you’d find on store-bought sandwichcookies.
There are two pans included in the set, and both are actually made of cast aluminum, not of silicone, so you should get a great finished shape from the pan without having to worry about accidentally bending the cake and breaking the design.
April 23, 2009aw that’s so cute!
honestly one of the things i appreciate about your blog the most is how often you post.
i honestly don’t know where you get the time and i admire your commitment. not to mention, i love checking your blog a few times a day to see it updated just as often!
Baking Monster
April 23, 2009This is awesome im always looking for things like these, you can never have enough baking equipment.
April 23, 2009This IS a great find! Thank you so much for sharing it. Has anyone tried it?
Alisa - Frugal Foodie
April 23, 2009That is so cool!
April 23, 2009Love it! My Oreo-addicted man will keel over if I bake his bday cake with this pan…Thanks 🙂
April 24, 2009I love your blog! Thankyou!!
April 24, 2009Cool!
Like this pan.
April 24, 2009I bought this today. It is SO cute!! I can’t wait to experiment with the filling! Thanks for the heads up.
April 24, 2009You have the most creative ideas. It is delight to visit you site regularly.
April 25, 2009How cute is that! I want to use it!!
April 26, 2009Omg! that is one cute pan! I’m also going to try your granola! Thanks for the wonderful blog!
Resveratrol - The Elixir Of Youth
April 27, 2009This one is really looks taste i would like to eat this is their any recipe of this.
April 27, 2009When I saw this I had to go buy it and make it for my birthday party. It was a big hit. The hardest part was greasing the pan and getting the butter in all the little crevices. That probably took at least a half an hour. Since it was my first time using the pans, I made the recipe on the box. It was really dense, like very rich brownies. I had to add black food coloring to get it to an “oreo” color like it is in the picture. I used my own frosting recipe that’s super easy and so delicious – butter, marshmallow fluff, powdered sugar and vanilla bean paste – and that was a good compliment. I also made an extra cake layer to put inside the frosting layer because i was worried the top would just squish down the frosting without any support, but after doing it I don’t think that was necessary. Next time I will probably use my own recipe that’s a lighter cake because at the end of the day it was a very, very rich dessert.
May 2, 2009I can’t find this pan. Is out of stock according to W-S. any help any one? thank you.
A. Lee
May 6, 2009Hi! I found this at Williams-Sonoma in the local store (not on the web where it was sold out last week). Today is my sister’s birthday and I made my devil’s food cake recipe (adding a few drops of black food coloring). I used simple buttercream (not the recipe on the side of the box). Everyone loved it. The cake looked like a giant oreo cookie and tasted great….
September 25, 2009Try this with ice cream in the middle…it’s the best..dessert..conversation piece…delicious to the eye..we all love oreo cookies right !!!!!
January 18, 2010I just tried it this morning and I did the batter recipe exactly and spayed Pam on the pans along with using my hands to put butter in every crevice… when the pans cooled, I could not for the life of me get any part of the cookie to come out of the pans… the batter is stiff, but is supposed to be a cookie, but it was impossible to remove from the pans! a total waste of time and a big mess!
Janet from Colorado
January 18, 2010I just read Lee’s post above and am still in the mood to see if this works or not… will try a store-bought chocolate cake mix(wasted money now on the best chocolate and butter, but let’s try Duncan Hines) and see if this works better… will let you know if it works…
Janet from Colorado
January 18, 2010Tried it with the chocolate fudge cake mix and STILL it sticks!!!! maybe I was sent a dud but will not use it!!!! I did buy a Nordic Ware baking mold muffin tin with maple leaf marks on the bottom for Thanksgiving and made cornbread muffins and it worked just fine= go figure….
February 1, 2010Hi,my question is asfollows, where can i buy this fantastic cookie cake pan?
Ihave tried the website(williams sonoma), to open but this seems to work.
so, if someone has a address/email address which i would like to receive more information, thanks.
Joeri from Holland (Pastry chef)
March 4, 2010i am soooo happy that you like this pan, actually we make this pan! engoy baking and Giant donut pan is on the way! thanks.
Janet B.
July 2, 2011I received this pan set for my birthday last year and I love it! Had no problem with the sticking at all.
May 6, 2012I came across this cake pan last night while browsing a Williams-Sonoma store, and though cute, it’s costly. Since I don’t make cakes all that often I can’t justify the $30 price tag. When I got home I did an online search and found similar pans for half the cost (not silicone).