When I bit into a piece of the Choxie Dark Chocolate Espresso Bar I recently picked up at Target, I was immediately reminded of something. The bar was made of smooth, exceptionally well-balanced dark chocolate. The chocolate had a nice cocoa bitterness to it and a distinctly fruity flavor that played very well with the ground up coffee beans also present in the bar. The beans gave a tremendous amount of coffee flavor and, even though you can clearly feel the bits of bean in the bar, it takes nothing away from the overall impression of a well-made, quality chocolate. It took me a while (and another two pieces of chocolate)Â to realize what, precisely, I was being reminded of.Â
The last time that I took a trip to Hawaii, I was fortunate enough to have been able to take a tour of Greenwell Farms. It is a family-owned coffee farming, processing and roasting company that turns out some amazing Kona beans – some of which I’ve even roasted at home myself. They also put out the very best chocolate covered espresso beansI’ve ever tasted, which are made with excellent chocolate over their top-quality peaberry coffee beans.
The Choxie bar tasted almost the same as the Greenwell beans, and they even use peaberry (double coffee beans, essentially) in the bars. The proportions of coffee bean to chocolate were different, but the quality and overall similarity in the choice of chocolate was impressive. The beans, while still my favorite, are not as easy for me to come by as the Choxie bars, so I think that the bars are going to be my new stand-by treat because they’re both tasty and very available (at Target, as Choxie their up-market house brand).
February 26, 2008I just bought this bar as a set of 4 in the after Valentine’s sale. (At about 1/3 the regular price.) I wasn’t actually looking forward to it until this!
Sally McEntire
February 26, 2008Yum! Chocolate and coffee. I am going to pick some up the next time I’m at Target. Thanks for the recommendation.
February 26, 2008This is one of my favorite “easy to get” bars! I love the chocolate-espresso bean flavors and now I’m wishing I had some!!
February 27, 2008Oooooh, I hate to burst your bubble, but I recently heard a news report about a local lab that was testing various brands of chocolate for “purity.” While many of those tested were found to contain particles of insect wings, etc., Choxie was one of the greatest offenders. Google Choxie and insect parts and the various news reports will come up. It definitely ruined my day, but won’t really stop me from eating chocolate totally!
February 28, 2008Mindy – that’s hilarious! Everything we eat has insect bits in it.
Welcome to planet earth.
March 11, 2010do you have a recipe, for espresso bars made at home, i hear theres some made with tasty instant coffee, apreciae even being chanced. mike r larson
August 10, 2012I’m all for candy, believe me I’m no snob being I’m only in my 20’s but I was doing a little research..and by research I mean reading the ingredients list… this “pure” chocolate is made with butter “oil”. Even my blue collar palate can tell that it just sounds greasy and unappetizing. Overpriced ucky.