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Two-Tone Banana Milkshake

Unless you live in California, you might not know that we are having something of a heat wave. Sure, it gets hot here in the summer and I do technically live in the desert, but when the temperature is consistently over 106F, it takes a toll on your desire to do things. Like cook and eat.

Fortunately for me, I still feel like cooking. The thought of eating hot foods is another matter entirely. For an energy boost that took neither heat nor effort, I made a simple milkshake.

The classic American definition of a milkshake is a blended mixture of ice cream, milk and some sort of flavoring or fruit. This is known as a “thick shake” in countries like Australia and in the UK. There, milkshakes are traditionally cold, frothy flavored milks. I tend to view a milkshake as the latter, but this particular shake sort of spans the two types.

I blended partially frozen bananas with a bit of vanilla soy milk, then added chocolate to half of the batch. The shake isn’t too sweet, especially the chocolate side, as I didn’t add any extra sugar to it, but you can easily add in a few teaspoonfuls of sugar or a tablespoon of honey to sweeten it up and change the flavoring a bit. By pouring them into the glass simultaneously, I ended up with a neat swirled effect.

Two-Tone Banana Milkshake

2 medium/large bananas, frozen and partially defrosted

1/2 cup vanilla soy milk (or plain milk), divided

2-3 tsp cocoa powder

1 tbsp sugar (optional)

In a food processor, blend one banana with 1/4 cup milk (The banana should not be frozen solid). Pour into a measuring cup, one with a pouring spout, and set aside.
Blend second banana with remaining milk and cocoa powder. Add sugar, to taste, if desired.
Pour chocolate mixture and plain mixture simultaneously into a large glass.
Add a straw and enjoy!

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  • Tanna
    July 22, 2006

    That is one really COOL idea for a really HOT summer all over! Neat trick!

  • Bonnie
    July 22, 2006

    I would be soooo tempted to just swirl it altogther and mix it all in again…

  • Randi
    July 22, 2006

    I hated the heat in Cali. Unfortunatly, its hot here too. Do you ever make Malts? I grew up with them, and no one here has heard of them. No problem, I buy the malt powder in MI. I love them, so different from shakes.

  • Nic
    July 22, 2006

    Randi – You know, I really should do malts. It’s been on my shopping list for a while now (I wanted to make malted ice cream), but the heat has been keeping me indoors and I haven’t gotten it. Vanilla malt is a favorite.

  • Abby
    July 22, 2006

    It’s hot here, too, and humid as all get out. Blegh.

    I love this idea as I’ve been totally unable to make a succesful milkshake at home. It’s a hard thing to do, I tell you.

    Any hints?

  • christine
    July 24, 2006

    That looks heavenly, even on this rainy, gloomy day we’re having. Drink lots of water, and stay cool!

  • Lori
    July 24, 2006

    I love banana anything, even in milkshakes. What a terrific idea to pour the two liquids in simultaneously.

  • […] had a good time with the two-tone milkshakes that I made last week and decided to use the same effect to make these ice cream sandwiches. And by […]

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