Biscotti are great. They go equally well with breakfast and dessert – my two favorite meals. Is it any wonder that I like them? In this variation of a fairly standard biscotti recipe, I added nutella, homemade by Jessica of Su Good Eats. Words can not express how good this nutella was. Though she sent it to me some time ago, I set some aside with the intention of making biscotti with it. The rest I ate on toast. And with a spoon.
You see, I sent Jessica some of my homemade marshmallows – chocolate peanut-butter flavored ones, at that – because we decided to have a little blogger food exchange. It was a lot of fun to exchange goodies with someone I only really know through blogging, not to mention that I got some good feedback on my goodies and was able to try one of her favorites, as well. Would anyone else be interested in doing a food-blogger goodie exchange? We could send small packages of shippable homemade treats or a local favorite food item. I’d be happy to host and arrange the event in the next month or so, so leave feedback in my comments with suggestions and perhaps we’ll get something started!
Back to the biscotti, though. The final cookie is crisp and quite a bit tenderer than you might expect. It has a lovely, nutty aroma to compliment the chocolate flavors. I have, in the past, made a very similar version with peanut butter. They were very good – particularly when dipped in chocolate – but I must say that I prefer these slightly.
You may omit the second baking for a softer cookie. I personally like them crunchy. I did not include hazelnuts in my cookies, but I listed them as optional because I think they would be a nice addition.
Nutella Biscotti
2 ¼ cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp cocoa
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
3 large eggs
1 cup sugar
½ cup nutella
½ cup chocolate chips
½ cup hazelnuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 350F.
Sift together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat eggs in a large bowl until frothy. Add sugar and continue beating on high setting for 2 minutes. Beat in nutella. Add flour mixture to egg mixture and stir until well combined. Stir in chocolate chips and hazelnuts, if using.
Divide dough into 2 or 3 logs with well floured hands and arrange on a parchment lined baking sheet. Press logs into rectangles roughly ½ inch thick.
Bake at 350F for 20 minutes. Remove logs from oven.
Turn oven down to 300F.
Using a serrated knife, cut logs into 1/3-1/2 inch slices. Arrange on baking sheet and return to oven.
Bake for 10-12 minutes, turn biscotti over and bake an additional 10-12 minutes (depending upon the thickness of your slices). Remove to a wire rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.
Makes 3-4 dozen cookies.
Clare Eats
June 7, 2005Wow those biscotti look fab!
They might have to be my next batch, the perfect excuse to buy nutella too (muah ha ha ha ha) 🙂
I would love to be involved in a food blog exchange event!
the baker
June 7, 2005nutella! my most favourite all time spread of all. i can simply lick spoonfuls off the jar when I crave for some chocolaty goodness. this biscotti looks and sounds good. i’m sure it tastes divine. i have to make some for myself…
yes yes, the food blog exchange event sounds good! i would love to be a part of it. though i live on a totally different continent! i suppose distance won’t really matter… imagine being able to physically taste what you read about on someone else’s food blog? it would be so surreal and yummy.. and you won’t need to drool over the pixels on the computer…cos you’d have the real thing in your hands…ahh..
June 7, 2005Those biscotti look REALLY good!
I went to Su Good Eats site to find the nutella recipe but didn’t come across it. It would be great if you could send it……providing it’s not a secret family recipe!
June 7, 2005wow a nutella biscotti! Sounds great. I think the blog food exchange is a great idea.
June 7, 2005Wow, how do you make peanut butter chocolate marshmallows? That sounds divine. Do you think you might post your recipe? I’d be ever so appreciative.
June 7, 2005what a lovely use for nutella! heh heh, i also enjoy it with a spoon but these sound fantastic.
June 7, 2005Yes!!! I’d love to participate in an exchange – sign me up. Let me know if I can help in any way too.
The biscotti look really good!
June 7, 2005Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I’m glad that people seem interested in doing a food exchange! I’ll come up with an official proposal that I’ll post this weekend and people can sign up. I can’t wait!
And Betsy, those marshmallows are my little secret. 😉 For now, anyway.
June 7, 2005I dunno – AQIS (Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service) are ferocious at the moment. My bf’s aunt is a director-sort with them in Canberra. We couldn’t even send packaged Tim Tams to England. I mean, the Australian quaratine people have always been ferocious (Island country, free from many diseases) but even moreso now with terrorist threats etc.
I love the idea, but I somehow doubt stuff would get to us or you at the moment (intact, if nothing else!)…. 🙁
Clare Eats
June 8, 2005😛
I just sent 3 packs of tim tams to reid in Hawaii, they were opened but he got them. WSince when do AQIS care what we send OUT of the country anyway?
June 8, 2005Niki and Clare – I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a problem. Perhaps it was a one-off with your package, Niki, or some sort of error?
Clare Eats
June 9, 2005Purhaps we can send stuff within Australia anyway 🙂
June 9, 2005Why thank you for plugging my Nutella! I’ve always thought about buying gourmet “Nutella” from Rapunzel, etc., but I guess there’s no need to do that. Oh yeah, I’m definitely up for the food exchange!!!
Clare Eats
June 9, 2005I found out how to figure out what you can and cant send to Australia. I am going to put a post on my blog for it all as it is too big for here. but it is do able 🙂
June 9, 2005Clare – if you can post that information, that would be great!
Jessica – My pleasure! Perhaps you will consider posting the recipe to indulge Sandra, who commented above! 😉
Clare Eats
June 15, 2005I made these biscotti, with no choc chips but I put lightly toasted walnuts in. They were awesome! Thanks
June 15, 2005Clare – Good combination! I’m glad you enjoyed them.
June 16, 2005Oh, I’ve love to partcipate in the food blog exchange. Is it too late to put my name in?
June 16, 2005Amy – Nope, it’s not too late. I’ll make a little announcement about it after SHF this week so people can sign up!
July 11, 2005Nic- your biscotti you sent me are long gone 🙁 Is this a similar recipe to the ones you sent? I loved their texture- light and crisp, like tea biscuits!
September 20, 2005Hi Nic! This was my first recipe using Nutella. What a success! These were delicious. I shared them with my coffe-loving neighbor and she is hooked! If you like, you can view my roundup at! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
December 18, 2005hey, I FINALLY posted my Nutella recipe!
January 21, 2007Count me in on the exchange.
November 8, 2008Hi! I wanted to let you know that I made these today and will be sending them for Operation Baking Gals. I expect to be blogging about it soon. They are awesome! Thanks for the recipe!
June 15, 2012Hello All 🙂 I made this biscotti today. I’m an accomplished biscotti maker and even had a company selling it……. this recipe was just OK in my opinion. There was no fat (butter or oil) so I figured the Nutella was taking the place of the fat, but the texture was missing that element. Also, you’re going to want to briefly use your mixer instead of just hand mixing in the flour. I used toasted chopped hazelnuts in this recipe, luckily, because the Nutella flavor came through just so-so. The texture was much harder than most of the recipes I use, also you’re going to want to let the biscotti sit about 10 mins out of the oven before you try and slice it so that it doesn’t crumble on you or fall apart. I sooo wanted to love this recipe, but just didn’t 🙁 I’ll keep trying! Thank you for the idea!