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Le Whif delivers chocolate without calories

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Le Whif

Do you remember the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Willy Wonka introduces some three-course-meal gum, which gives the chewer the flavor experience of eating a full meal without any of the actual food (or the calories)? It seems that science has come up with a Wonka-like gadget that delivers the flavor of chocolate at the touch of a button – without the user ingesting a single calorie. The device, called Le Whif, is an inhaler that delivers a burst of flavored air, created using a flavored powder, to the user. It comes in plain chocolate, as well as in raspberry chocolate, mint chocolate and mango chocolate, and will be sold starting at the end of April.

The inventors speculate that they could move from these simple flavors to more complex ones – three course meals, a la Willy Wonka – in the near future.

I tend to think that these gadgets, while they may be satisfyingly novel, aren’t going to replace real food any time soon. This is partly because we do still need to eat to survive, but also because feel and texture are a huge part of eating and deriving satisfaction from food. A “whif” might taste like chocolate, but there is no way it is going to feel like cococa butter smoothly melting on the tongue.

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  • Dani
    April 12, 2009

    what a tease!!!
    i wish willy wonka’s factory was a real place… oh, maybe that’s what heaven looks like haha

  • Lori
    April 12, 2009

    I love chocolate – maybe even more than the next person but I certainly can’t imagine this replacing my chocolate fic. It’s not just about the teste but the actual melting in your mouth part.

  • FoodieInDisguise
    April 13, 2009

    Well its actually chocolate powder that is delivered by the device to hit the sides of your mouth and tongue with a mist of cocoa powder. Each device has about 200mg of cocoa powder.

    No, by no means does this replace melting chocolate, but it is chocolate at least! 🙂

  • yasemin
    April 13, 2009

    Although this gadget sounds amazingly cool, I agree with you that it won’t replace the satisfaction that people get from eating a real chocolate.

  • hampers
    June 25, 2009

    Yes, I still recall that Willy Wonka chocolate “myth”. You are correct, nothing can beat the real thing though. And of course, we really need real food to satisfy not only our cravings but more on the nutrition side.

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  • bulk email service
    March 18, 2010

    I likes the chocolate very much. I agree with you that it won’t satisfaction that people get from eating a chocolates. Thanks for sharing the information about Chocolates…

  • Tungsten Rings
    March 24, 2010

    NIce device.In the world there are many peoples suffering from sugar problems.It might very relief by using this device

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