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Homemade Gorgonzola Cheese Crackers

Gorgonzola Crackers

Bright orange cheese crackers were one of my favorite school yard snacks growing up. These days, my tastes have changed slightly and I enjoy cheeses of many colors, but I still enjoy cheese crackers. Fortunately, I no longer have to rely on little, square orange crackers to get my fix because I …

Apple and Red Grape Crisp

Baking Bites Images
I often have grapes in my kitchen, along with fruits like apples, bananas and citrus. While the latter fruits find there way into baked goods on a regular basis, I don’t usually bake with my grapes. Grapes are actually very easy to bake with. They become wonderfully sweet when they are roasted in …

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What is grape seed flour?

What is grape seed flour?

Grape seed flour is made from the seeds of grapes that have been used to make wine. The seeds are ground into a fine powder that is roughly the same texture as wheat flour. The pulp, skins, seeds and stems that remain after wine product are called pomace. Some of the pomace …

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Tart Love: Sassy, Savory, and Sweet

Tart LoveTarts are a very versatile type of baked good. They can not only be used with both sweet and savory fillings, but their pastry-to-filling ratio and the fact that they’re usually served open-faced means that they showcase those fillings in a way that other pastries don’t. Tart Love: Sassy, Savory, and Sweet

Biscuit Bliss

Biscuit BlissBiscuits are such a simple food. Small, quick-rising, buttery and tender, they don’t take the time or energy that a yeast bread does – or do they? Although biscuits seem simple, anyone who has tried their hand at making them will tell you that there is more to a little biscuit than …

What is self-rising flour?

What is Self-Rising Flour? Self Rising Flour Brands
Self-rising flour has an almost magical sound to it. And if you look at recipes that call for it, you’ll see that they do not call for the addition of salt or leavening agents, though biscuits, cakes and breads made with seem to rise up just fine. The reason for this is that …

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Adventures of an Italian Food Lover

Food Lover bookItaly is a country that tops the “places to visit” list of many a food lover. Food writers and chefs have been known to make pilgrimages there to study the finer points of prosciutto, bread and gelato. And while it would be lovely to take a multi-month journey to Italy to take …

Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuits

Not being from the South, I will state that I am not an authority on biscuits. In fact, most of the biscuits I have eaten in my life have been the kind you might find in the refrigerated section of the market. I probably have never had an authentic Southern …