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Tag Archives whole grain

What is grape seed flour?

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What is grape seed flour?

Grape seed flour is made from the seeds of grapes that have been used to make wine. The seeds are ground into a fine powder that is roughly the same texture as wheat flour. The pulp, skins, seeds and stems that remain after wine product are called pomace. Some of the pomace …

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Whole Wheat French Toast

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Whole Wheat French Toast

French toast recipes usually call for rich, eggy breads like challah and brioche. These breads make for a rich breakfast dish that is a bit of a blank slate for the flavors of your syrup or toppings. I’ll often make it a point to pick up a loaf when I’m planning to …

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Whole Grain Carrot Muffins

Whole Grain Carrot Muffins
Adding vegetables to baked goods always makes them sound a little bit healthier. Zucchini bread and carrot cake, for instance, sound less indulgent than chocolate cake does, even though vegetables alone don’t make a recipe healthier. But even though they’re not turning your baked goods into health food, those veggies can put you …

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