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Star of David Bundt

Star of David Pan
There really aren’t as many Hannukah-themed baking gadgets and pans out there as there are for Christmas. This isn’t surprising because Hannukah has never been associated with baking in the same way that Christmas has been. Many of the most famous dishes for the holiday are fried, such as latkes and sufganiyot. But …

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Multi-Tier Oven Rack

Multi-Tier Oven RackOne of the biggest challenges involved in cooking a big meal is trying to get all of the food ready and on the table at the same time. This is a particularly difficult feat when you’re cooking a huge meal, like Thanksgiving dinner or any other big family get together. For me, I try …

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Pancakes for Halloween

Halloween pancakes and spatula

For years, I used to make Halloween-shaped pancakes every Halloween morning. When I didn’t have a mold to work with, I would make vaguely ghost-shaped pancakes, sometimes adding chocolate chips or raisins for eyes and mouth. If I did have a mold, pumpkins would be the order of the day (I also …

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