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Naming controversy over novelty baked goods

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darkmarkdessert.JPGFlipping open a nearby cookie book, I see that it contains recipes for “Mother Lode Brownies” and “Sweetie Pies.” My recipe index lists Monkey Bars, a Raspberry Chocolate Mink and Dirt Cups (pictured).

The thing that all of these recipes have in common is that the name is not indicative of what, precisely, the dessert is. “Mother Lode Brownies” contain no gold, and the Raspberry Minks are entirely mink free. Creative names intrigue people and draw them in wondering what to expect in a way that “chocolate chip cookies” never will.

But it turns out that not everyone supports such creative naming practices. A baker in Dorset, Val Temple, of Weymouth’s Sgt Bun Bakery, has recently been forced by officials to change the names of several of the dessert pies and tarts that she sells in the bakery she has run for the past three decades. The officials felt that “Pig Tarts” and “Robin Tarts” were misleading names, since the treats contained “jams, cream, fondant and a sugar paste” instead of the (apparantely anticipated) pig or robin mentioned in the name. Her “Paradise Slice,” a bar-type sweet made with fruit and nuts, are now to be called “almond, fruit and nut slice.” Said a spokesperson for the bureau, “Consumers have a right to know what they are buying.”

Attention was drawn to the naming “problem” after the officials at the trade bureau received a complaint and decided to investigate. Unsurprisingly, given that the situation is so ridiculous, locals have flocked to the bakery to buy the pie pies in support of Temple, who said, “I’d also like to thank the person who made the complaint in the first place because it’s obviously backfired.”

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  • Joanna
    May 8, 2007

    This news reminded me of a Monty Python sketch, in which a chocolate maker gets in trouble for having too-accurate names- a chocolate named “Crunchy Frog” actually has a dead frog in it… the police say “I must warn you that in future you should delete the words ‘crunchy frog’, and replace them with the legend ‘crunchy raw unboned real dead frog’, if you want to avoid prosecution.” (full script)
    … Reality is at least as strange as fiction.

  • EvilScienceChick
    May 8, 2007

    “now this one…’Crunchy Frog’..am I to believe that there is a REAL FROG in there?”

    “yes. a little one.”


    I am always amazed at how low people will stoop to complain about something. Pft!

  • miriam
    May 8, 2007

    will people please get a life and a sense of humor?

  • India
    May 8, 2007

    Damn- I always thought I would be getting a real robin….

  • Sarah
    May 8, 2007

    That’s hilarious. You just kind of made my day 🙂

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