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Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt

Happy Fourth of July!

It’s Independence Day here in the US and that means barbecues and fireworks. It also means that it’s summer, so I made a great, healthy frozen dessert: Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt. Incredibly creamy and delicious, without leaving that lingering cream taste that some ice creams do. The best part is it’s fat free, except for the few mini chocolate chips I added, but who counts something to tiny anyway. I want to make more of this every day. Maybe not with the same fruits, but it’s that good.

Several weeks ago, I saw a rerun of an episode of the Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten‘s cooking show. She had Patricia Wells as a guest and they made frozen yogurt from scratch. The thing that stuck in my mind was the fact that the recipe was very simple. Also because, unlike many of Ina’s recipes, it didn’t involve a lot of butter. As much as I love making things like sorbet, you really have to plan ahead so the base can chill before you freeze it. For this recipe, you beat egg whites with sugar, folded it into yogurt and froze it.

Now I did not attempt to write down the recipe or the directions during the show. The recipes are posted online, so I assumed I could look it up later. Unfortunately, FoodTV informed me that this recipe had expired. Expired? I didn’t know that was possible! I set about to find the recipe and, after a long hard struggle, I located it.

This recipe is dead easy, especially if you know how to beat egg whites and own an ice cream maker. If you don’t own one? Buy one! They’re not that expensive and they’re worth it. I have this one, which is available used for $25! I added frozen cherries and a handful of mini chocolate chips, but feel free to substitute any thing you’d like. I wouldn’t recommend using any more than 1 cup of add-ins, though, as I think that might inhibit the churning process.

I used Fage Total Greek yogurt, which is much thicker than ordinary yogurt because it is strained. I recommend draining your yogurt in cheese cloth for a bit to thicken it, but this is clearly not entirely necessary because the original recipe did not call for this.

Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt

2 egg whites

2/3 cup sugar (castor or superfine, if you have it)

3 1/2 cups nonfat yogurt (500 grams)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup chopped frozen sweet cherries and chocolate chips

Whisk vanilla into yogurt until it is smooth and set aside.

Beat egg whites until frothy, add sugar gradually and continue beating at medium-high speed until you have soft peaks, 4-5 minutes. Do not overbeat.

Fold yogurt into egg whites in 4 additions, making sure it is well incorporated. Fold in cherries and chocolate chips and pour mixture into your ice cream maker. Freeze as directed and store inan airtight container in the freezer if you are not going to eat it right away.

Serves 6

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  • FoodNinja
    July 4, 2005

    mmmmm that looks so tasty… especially on a hot day…

  • Cathy
    July 4, 2005

    Nic – I’ve never tried making frozen yogurt, but this sounds wonderful. I never would have thought of adding the beaten egg whites. I can’t wait to try this!!

    P.S. – I keep seeing all these raves about Greek yogurt (which I haven’t tried yet) and all along I assumed it was a full fat yogurt, I’m so happy to hear that there’s a nonfat version – I’m going to have to look for it.

  • Niki
    July 4, 2005

    Thanks for the incredible index! It will be a great resource. I knew you had posted a lot of recipes, but never that many! I bet it took a while and you wondered if you had any life at all (or maybe I’m projecting…)
    Is straining what makes Greek yoghurt distinctive and thicker? I’ve always wondered.

  • Nic
    July 4, 2005

    Templar – It was very refreshing!

    Cathy – The beaten egg whites allow you to add sugar without adding wliquid, which might make it icy, and without heating, which I think would spoil the yogurt. It’s so smooth!

    Niki – Greek yogurt’s main characteristic is that it is thicker than ordinary yogurt. It is also somewhat less “tangy” than other yogurt. Not by much, but because it lacks it, it makes a great substitute for other things (sour cream, cream) in dips and dressings. Keep your eyes out for it.
    Also, I have to say that I was SHOCKED that I have posted that many recipes. Once I had a little system down for going through my archives, it went a bit faster. I hope it’s useful, though. I know that I’ll always browse through people’s recipe archives. Especially when I can’t decide what to make!

  • Ana
    July 4, 2005

    I’m glad you posted this recipe. In the old days (read, before ice-cream makers) I remember making ice-cream that was basically meringue mixed with whipped cream and mashed strawberries. Then it went into the freezer and I was very happy that I did not have to take it out and whip every 2 or 3 hours. I’ve looked at some of those old recipes and wondered if the meringue would deflate in an ice-cream maker, due the the paddle motion. I’m glad it does not.

    Talking about the Greek yogurt that I keep reading about. I cannot find it here in Ottawa, but I searched the web and found that it is a 5% fat yogurt (as opposed to 3.5% you get with whole cow milk). The explanation, I read, it is because it is made with either ewe or goat milk which is fatter. Is there any other trick to it? I wish I could find it here!

  • rowena
    July 5, 2005

    Gelato and frozen yogurt is making the rounds on food blogs and I’m glad to have come across yours! I just made some frozen yogurt with pears this morning!

    And Fage Total yogurt is the best!

  • Clare Eats
    July 5, 2005

    Oh this looks so good!
    I want an ice cream maker so much, they are at least $60 here. Which sucks.

  • Nic
    July 5, 2005

    Ana – This brand of greek yogurt comes in full fat, 5%, 2% and 0%. I’ve used ordinary, drained yogurt in exactly the same way I use the greek yogurt. I always use non-fat or low fat yogurt, particularly since the strained yogurt is so rich tasting. Just drain regular yogurt in a cheesecloth lined collander until it is thick, but not dry, like cheese, and use that. It should turn out fine.

    Rowena – I agree! And pears sound GREAT.

    Clare – Well, maybe you can add it to your wish list for your birthday or Christmas this year!

  • the baker
    July 5, 2005

    Yummmy… that looks so good! i love yoghurt..esp the greek type. thick and creamy. abs. delicious! do you have Brownes yoghurt over there? it’s my fav brand ever. very smooth. Great thing about yoghurt is it’s similar texture to ice-cream..and it’s a very much healthier alternative! + you get lots of calcium….

  • Nic
    July 6, 2005

    Baker – Brownes yoghurt is good – but I don’t think that they sell it stateside. I had it in AUS before. I love that plain yogurt is so versatile – sweet, savory and healthy!

  • Clare Eats
    July 6, 2005

    Definately will do… a great idea! I hadnt thought of that 🙂

  • Diane
    August 11, 2008

    Absolutely wonderful. I think it’s the egg whites that makes it so creamy. I used an ice cream maker and the next time I will just fold in the chocolate chips – the churner kept getting stuck…but oh my – it tastes delicious! Thank you so much.

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